A Consultation Document outlining the key proposals in the Whakatāne District Council’s 2019/20 Annual Plan will be distributed around the District over the next week.
The Council is seeking community feedback on the proposals, which relate to changes in the work programme and budgets which were set-out for 2019/20 in last year’s Long Term Plan.
The consultation document and underlying information were adopted by the Council’s Policy Committee on 21 March. Committee Chairperson Judy Turner says the Long Term Plan details the comprehensive, District-wide plan for the year, while the consultation document provides a “snapshot” of the changes proposed and the reasons for those changes.
Key decisions the Council will be considering are:
- Regenerating the Whakatāne waterfront and town centre and building our marine and tourism economy
- Supporting the EPIC Town Centre Strategy
- Accelerating projects for road safety and active transport
- Enclosing the Whakatāne Aquatic Centre outdoor pool
- Responding to increasing water supply and wastewater service standards and costs
- Implementing a managed retreat from the Matatā Awatarariki debris flow hazard
- Earthquake strengthening the Whakatāne District War Memorial Hall
- Changing the debt limit in our Financial Strategy.
Formal public consultation on the 2019/20 Annual Plan commenced at the beginning of this week and runs through to 5pm on Monday, 29 April. The consultation document and information about the submissions process are now available on our website. Printed copies of the consultation document will be distributed as an insert in Friday's free-delivery Eastern Bay Life edition and additional copies will be available at Council offices and District libraries, or can be requested by ringing the Council on 306 0500.