The Long Term Plan sets out our strategic direction, priorities and work programme for Council. This Long Term Council Community Plan covers the period 1 July 2009 - 30 June 2019. It also acts as the Council’s Annual Plan 2009/10. This document has been superseded by the Council’s 2015-25 LTP.
LTCCP 2009-2019 Vol 1 (full document) - (PDF, 4.5 MB)
LTCCP 2009-2019 Vol 2: Amended 30 June 2010 (full document) - (PDF, 4.2 MB)
The Council amended Volume 2 - policies of the LTCCP on 30 June 2010. Changes have been made to the Funding Impact Statement to allow for changes to the rating system. Changes have also been made to the Liability Management Policy to give the Council greater flexibility with borrowings.
Amendments to the LTCCP - (PDF, 690 KB)
LTCCP 2009-2019 Vol 1 Sections:
1. Introduction - (PDF, 419 KB)
- Introduction
- Contents
- Our Council
- Message from the Mayor and Chief Executive
2. Strategic Direction - (PDF, 996 KB)
- Identification of Influences on the Whakatāne District
- About the Whakatāne District
- Community Outcomes
3. Service Delivery: Key Issues - (PDF, 235 KB)
- Key Issues
- Financial Strategy
- Rating Information
4. Service Delivery: Groups of Activities - (PDF, 1.22 MB)
- Introduction
- Leadership
- Transport
- Water-related Services
- Waste
- Environmental Sustainability
- Community Safety
- Arts and Culture
- Community Property
- Recreation and Community Facilities
- Hazard Management
5. Service Delivery: Council Controlled Organisations - (PDF, 128 KB)
- Whakatāne Airport
- Bay of Plenty Local Authority Shared Services
6. Financials - (PDF, 935 KB)
- Assumptions and Data
- Financials
- Summary of Significant Accounting Policies
7. Corporate Information - (PDF, 172 KB)
- Corporate Information Activity
- Audit Report
LTCCP 2009-2019 Vol 2 Sections:
- Introduction - (PDF, 85 KB)
- Revenue and Financing Policy - (PDF, 175 KB)
- Funding Impact Statement - (PDF, 127 KB)
- Liability Management Policy - (PDF, 132 KB)
- Investment Policy - (PDF, 88 KB)
- Development Contributions Policy - (PDF, 3.08 MB)
- Policy on Determining Significance - (PDF, 124 KB)
- Policy on Partnerships Between Council and Private Sector - (PDF, 64 KB)
- Remission and Postponement Policies - (PDF, 151 KB)
- Remission and Postponement of Rates on Māori Freehold Land - (PDF, 115 KB)
- Sustainability Programme - (PDF, 85 KB)
- Building Māori Capacity to Contribute to Decision Making - (PDF, 116 KB)
- Summary of the Waste Management Plan - (PDF, 44 KB)
- Summary of the Assessment of Water and Sanitary Services - (PDF, 68 KB)
- Land Transport Programme - (PDF, 65 KB)
Volume 3 - Fees and Charges - Full Document
- (PDF, 394 KB)