
All residents in the district with a rubbish collection service also have kerbside recycling. If you live in an urban area, you'll have a crate for your glass bottles and jars and a yellow lid bin for all your other recyclables (paper, cardboard (including empty pizza boxes), tins, cans, grades 1, 2 and 5 plastics). Please remove all lids from your bottles and jars. You can have up to three glass crates per service; each additional or replacement crate has a one-off charge of $20. These can be purchased from the Refuse Transfer Station, 60 Te Tahi Street, Whakatāne and at the Murupara Service Centre, Pine Drive, Murupara.

Remember, you put your glass crate and yellow-lid bin out at the same time, every fortnight, and on alternate weeks to your greenwaste (if you have it).

If you've had a party or have too many recyclables to fit in your crate and bin, you can drop them off free of charge at the Transfer Stations at Whakatāne and Murupara.

If you have other items that can't be put in the crate or bin, look at the online Recycling Directory. There are businesses and organisations that can recycle other goods.

The Ministry for the Environment's kerbside recycling standardisation strategy means all councils across the country are required to collect the same items in kerbside recycling.


Paper types you can and can't put in your yellow-lid bin.

NewspaperPlastic-coated paper
Office paperFood wrapping paper
MagazinesPaper used for personal hygiene, including tissues and napkins
Wrapping paper – plain only, not metallic or plastic-coatedShredded paper
Junk mail  


Cardboard types you can and can't put in your yellow-lid bin. Cardboard won't be collected unless it is in the yellow-lid bin. If you have a large quantity to dispose of, you can drop it at the transfer station free of charge.

Cardboard boxesPolystyrene, even within boxes
Egg cartons/traysPlastic sheet – corflute, real estate signs
Empty pizza boxesTetra Pak®/cardboard designed for the fridge or freezer


Grades 1, 2 or 5 plastics can be recycled through the kerbside service. All plastics must have their lids removed and be clean. Plastics go in the yellow-lid bin.

Plastic graded 1, 2 or 5Soft plastics - glad wrap, bread bags, plastic bags
Milk bottles -  graded 1, 2 or 5 Plastic packaging
Soft drink bottles - graded 1, 2 or 5Polystyrene
Meat trays – graded 1, 2 or 5 - remove soft plastic wrappingMeat trays with no stamp or not graded 1, 2 or 5
Plastic bottles from the bathroom and laundry - graded 1, 2 or 5 Plastic bags (even if marked 1, 2 or 5)
   All lids
  Plant pots
  Plastic graded 3, 4, 6 or 7
  Disposable nappies

Soft plastic recycling

Soft Plastic Recycling bins are available for use at Countdown Whakatāne. Visit for more information »

Plastic plant pots

You can wash and return unwanted clean plant and seedling pots and labels made of plastic (Grade 5) to our local Mitre 10 store. Visit for more information »


Remove any lids and rinse out all glass to be recycled. There is no need to separate glass colours; this will be done by the collections driver. Do not put ceramics or broken glass in your glass crate.

Glass bottlesLightbulbs
JarsOvenproof glass / Pyrex® / drinking glasses
  Window glass / mirrors
  Automotive glass or mirrors

Tins / Aluminium Cans / Steel

If lids are still connected to the tin, they can go in the yellow-lid bin. If the lids have been removed from the tin, they need to go in the general waste. Rinse any residue out, but you don't to remove the label. 
Rinse cans and place them in the yellow-lid bin. You don't need to remove the tab.

Aluminium cansDirty cans containing food, liquid or hazardous waste
Steel cansTinfoil
  Household appliance batteries
  Aluminium foil trays
  Metal jar lids 

Other Items

These items will only be accepted at the recycling centre. Do not put them in your kerbside collection bins.

Large steel items Hazardous or liquid wastes - commercial quantities
Leftover re-useable paint in original tinsEmpty paint tins and dried paint in tins
Car batteries  
Hazardous or liquid wastes -household  quantities  

Electrical or electronic appliances

cReW will accept both working and non-working appliances at 40 Te Tahi St, Whakatāne. There is a small fee if you deliver non-working appliances.

Visit the cReW website for more information »

People NOT Machines

The material you put out for recycling is handled by real people just like you, not machines! Please be kind - no dirty, smelly or injurious materials. If in doubt, ask yourself if you'd handle these items in any of those conditions.