A number of our services can be accessed or requested online. If you have any questions or get stuck, give us a call on 07 306 0500.
Make a payment
Our online payments have zero fees and can be made by credit card or a direct account-to-account transfer via your bank.
Rates | Parking ticket | Dog registration | Water rates | Sundry invoice | Pay an infringement | Direct Debit Payment Authority
Sign up to get your invoices by email
Note: For rates invoices you'll need your customer number from the front of your most recent invoice. If you don't have this, give us a call on 07 306 0500 or email info@whakatane.govt.nz and we can help.
Lodge an application
Building consent | Resource consent | Register your dog(s) | Job vacancies | Community grants | Land Information Memorandum (LIM) | Event application checklist | Fire Permits | Join the library
Submit a request
Send us an online enquiry | Fix-It or Report a Problem | Official information request | Parking ticket explanation | Dog status change
Book a facility
Halls for hire | Whakatāne War Memorial Hall | Whakatāne Aquatic and Fitness Centre | Murupara Pool
Have your say
Current consultations | Make a complaint | Customer Services Survey
Search for
Property/rates information | Property files | Rubbish collection days | District Plan maps | Cemeteries info | Council meetings and agendas | Online maps and open data | What's on in Whakatāne | Library catalogue | eBooks and eAudiobooks
Get updates and news
News | Sign-up for our Newsletter | Instagram | LinkedIn | YouTube
Facebook Pages
Whakatāne District Council | District Libraries | Aquatic and Fitness Centre | Museum and Arts | Whakatāne-Ōhope Community Board | Tāneatua Community Board | Rangitāiki Community Board | Murupara Community Board
Other forms and applications
Digital noticeboard booking | List an event on whakatane.com | Hire an E-bike