Fast Track Resource Consent

Fast Track Applications - 10 Working Day Process

An activity is a fast track application if:

It is a controlled activity (excluding subdivision) in the Operative Whakatāne District Plan where an electronic address for service is provided in the application.


  • Two or three dwellings per lot in the Residential/Urban Living zones
  • Retirement villages in residential zone
  • Retail activity > 30 square metres in large format retail zone

An activity is also fast track application if:

It is regulated as an activity that can use the fast track application process.

When an activity is not a fast track application

The application will stop being a fast track application if a hearing is necessary, the application is notified, or the applicant chooses to opt out of the fast track process.

Application forms

Apply Online for a Fast Track Resource Consent »

Downloadable PDFs are available as an alternative option below:

10 working day process for fast track consent applications

The Ministry for the Environment flow chart on how the process works is available below:

Fast track flow chart »