Whakatāne river and Harbour at dusk

Ports and Harbours

Whakatāne, Ōhope and surrounding coastal areas have a number of ramps, jetties, wharves, navigational equipment and other harbour facilities for public use. While Bay of Plenty Regional Council is responsible for navigation and safety within the Bay of Plenty region, Whakatāne District Council provides and maintains facilities for public and private use.

The Whakatāne Harbour is situated at the northern end of the Whakatāne River, adjacent to the township of Whakatāne near the river mouth. The harbour has provided a safe haven for vessels since the arrival of the Mataatua canoe, and today it is home to many recreational and commercial marine activities.

The Ohiwa Harbour lies between Whakatāne and Ōpōtiki, covering an area of around 26 square kilometres. The harbour contains a number of islands and is a significant natural, cultural and recreational resource. Its entrance is located at the eastern end of the Ōhope spit.

The Rangitāiki River is the longest river in the Bay of Plenty. Its mouth is located at Thornton, west of Whakatāne. The Thornton area is a popular recreational fishing and boating spot. For information on the bars in the Whakatāne area, contact the Whakatāne Coastguard on 07 308 6477.

Harbour Activities

Whakatāne has a wide range of family and recreational activities on, in and around the District. For a complete list of what you can do, from fishing to swimming with the dolphins, visit whakatane.com.

Facility Locations

Site NameLocationFacilities

Whakatāne Harbour

Main Commercial Wharf

Muriwai Drive, Whakatāne Wharves, commercial berths, moorings, dinghy ramp.
Game WharfMuriwai Drive, WhakatāneBoat ramps, jetties, wharves, car and trailer parking, vessel hardstand, swimming pontoon, information signage.
Green Wharf / Otuawhaki Kakahoroa Drive, Whakatāne Wharves, jetties.
Rangitaiki River
ThorntonThornton Beach RoadBoat ramps, jetties, waka ramp, car and trailer parking.
Ohiwa Harbour
Port Ōhope Harbour Road, Ōhope Wharves, jetties, car parking, moorings.
OhiwaHarbour Road, Ōhope Boat ramp, car & trailer parking.

Harbourmaster (Bay of Plenty Regional Council)

The Harbourmaster is employed by Bay of Plenty Regional Council and is responsible for safety in the Eastern Bay of Plenty.

Rules and Guidelines

The rules and guidelines to use of the harbours and its facilities in the district are laid out in the Ports and Wharves Bylaw Policy - Section 14.

There are also Regional by-laws and Regional statutory requirements that are maintained and enforced by Bay of Plenty Regional Council.


Visitors mooring rental - this is available for $155 per week or part thereof. Must be booked in advance by phoning 07 306 0500.

Long term berthage is very limited. Contact the Whakatāne District Council on 07 306 0500 to enquire about availability.

Vessels must be registered to be eligible for berths. 

Berthage Fees

These fees are current as at 1 July 2024. Please contact the Council on 07 306 0500 for up-to-date costs, or see Fees and Charges - Section 8.


Uniform annual fee for vessels up to 10 metres and first 10 metres of all vessels


Excess of 10 metres - charged per metre of length/annum for length in excess of 10 metres


Discount for multiple berths


Fees must be paid at the time of application.


A hardstand is available - the cost is $75 per night for a maximum of 10 nights, with a $105/day penalty rate applying after 10 days. It must be booked in advance. Please contact the Council on 07 306 0500.

Lost, in danger or dead wildlife

If you discover any sea life such as seals, penguins, sick/injured birds, or mammals along any of the Whakatāne controlled ports, harbours or coastlines, please contact the Department of Conservation on 0800 362 468.

If you discover dead mammals, birds or fish, call the Bay of Plenty Regional Council Pollution Hotline 24/7 - 0800 884 883.