The Reorua contestable funding champions the use of Te Reo Māori in the Whakatāne District and is an initiative between Te Rūnanga o Ngāti Awa, Te Rūnanga o Ngāti Manawa and Whakatāne District Council.
Ko tōku reo tōku ohooho, ko tōku reo tōku māpihi maurea.
My language is my awakening, my language is my treasure.
How and when to apply
The next funding round for the Te Pūaha General Fund will be open in June 2025.
For more information on the Reorua Contestable Fund, contact our Community Funding Advisor on 07 306 0500 or email
Funding available
Up to $14,000 is available for the February / March funding round.
- Projects or activities must benefit people within the Whakatāne District
- Not-for-profit organisations, charitable trusts, individuals, marae, or community organisations providing services in the Whakatāne District
- Other conditions may apply
See the guidelines above for more information or contact the Community Funding Advisor.
Whāinga / Goals
- To improve the understanding and use of te reo Māori in our communities
- To make te reo Māori seen, heard, felt, spoken and valued throughout the Whakatāne District
- To develop resources and programmes that revitalise and encourage the use of te reo Māori all around the Whakatāne District
- To increase opportunities for people to engage with and learn te reo Māori
Funding Committee panel
Funding decisions are made at the Community Funding Committee meeting. The funding panel comprises three Councillors, alongside two representatives from Ngāti Awa and Ngāti Manawa, with administrative and other support from staff. This includes a representative from the Council’s Toi Kōtuia team (Strategic Māori Relationships) whose role is to report to and advise the panel on the applicants and their applications.
Find out more
For more information on the Reorua Fund, contact our Community Funding Advisor on 07 306 0500 or email