Should we cut some services to lower costs, or deliver more knowing costs will increase? Or have we got the balance about right? From this Friday, questions like these are being put to Whakatāne District communities to get feedback on the Council’s 2021-31 Long Term Plan consultation document.
Council approved the final consultation document at its 19 April meeting, together with a raft of supporting documents and draft policies and proposals.
Whakatāne District Mayor Judy Turner says the Long Term Plan sets out the priorities, work programme and budgets for the next 10 years.
“We’ve worked hard around the Council table to develop a work programme that we believe meets the needs of our communities,” she says. “It’s really important to us that we get a feel for whether people think we’re heading in the right direction before the Councillors and I make final decisions on the Plan.”
The consultation document will be available online and in hardcopy from libraries and Council offices from Friday, 23 April. Households throughout the Whakatāne District will also receive a brief summary flyer in their letterboxes.
Mayor Judy Turner is encouraging people to get interested in the things that affect them.
“We’ve tackled five big issues that are outlined in the plan, and we’re asking people six key questions around those issues,” she says. “We very much want to talk to people throughout our communities to check in and see that what we’re planning meets the needs of our district, now and into the future. It’s vitally important that we make courageous decisions, to ensure we’re not only meeting our current needs, but for future generations.”
Both formal and informal forms of feedback will be considered by elected members, including online and hardcopy submissions and verbal conversations.
There will be a range of ‘community conversation’ events throughout the district, such as the aptly-named ‘Chat Box’ at 4 Commerce Street, Whakatāne. Open 12noon-4pm each working day, people are welcome to drop-in for a chat with elected members and staff.
The consultation period is open from 23 April to 23 May, with hearings on 25 May and deliberations scheduled until 18 June. The Long Term Plan and associated documents will then be finalised and adopted on 14 July.