School lunch providers can concentrate on what they do best, feeding tamariki, with Whakatāne District Council taking care of the admin.
Council’s Environmental Health Team has been working alongside tangata whenua to support them in getting their Food Control Plan verifications so they can participate in the Government’s Ka Ora, Ka Ako Healthy School Lunches Programme.
Team Leader Environmental Health Nancy Elliott said getting verified to provide lunches in kura can be daunting for food providers new to the verification process.
“To be verified in the programme you must comply with strict nutrition requirements amongst other things, and this can be a hurdle, particularly for anyone new to the business.
“We have come on board together with others in the community, like nutritionists and government agencies, to support people through the verification process.
“This has allowed local suppliers to provide lunches to their local kura. Tamariki learn better with full tummies and those who eat healthy food have better physical and mental wellbeing.
“We are proud to support local providers in any way we can.”
Council has supported kura in Whakatāne and Rotorua to become verified and will be supporting another three in coming months.
The Government’s Ka Ora, Ka Ako Healthy School Lunches Programme provides free and healthy lunches to over 205,000 school students across New Zealand.