Whakatāne District Council today launches its ‘Be a Gamechanger / Auahatia ngā rā e tatū iho nei’ campaign.
The campaign calls on people from all walks of life to ‘Be a Gamechanger’; by standing for Council and local Community Boards in the upcoming Whakatāne District elections, whilst also encouraging residents and ratepayers to contribute to change by voting.
Chief Executive Steph O’Sullivan says the time is now to for passionate locals to e tū, stand up and shake up the game.
“We know our communities are passionate about our slice of paradise and the decisions we as Council make on their behalf. We challenge you, your friends, colleagues and whānau, to e-tu, stand for Council and put your passion in to action.”
For those gamechangers keen to stand for Council, Mayor or Community Boards,
two candidate information hui have been organised; replacing previous postponed dates:
- Tuesday, 26 July - 5:15 pm, Whakaari Meeting Room @ Eastbay REAP, 21 Pyne Street, Whakatāne
- Thursday, 28 July - 5:15pm, Murupara Service Centre, 48 Pine Drive, Murupara
“These information evenings are a really good way for potential candidates to pick the brains of Council staff and get a good feel for the election
process, and for what’s actually involved in the day-to-day, prior to throwing their hat in the ring,” says Steph.
And if standing for Council isn’t for you, locals are encouraged to be gamechangers by voting.
“Particularly with the introduction of Māori wards this year, it’s really important all residents are enrolled, and know how to vote.”
Key dates:
- Candidate nominations open this Friday, 15 July and close 12 August 2022
- Candidate information sessions;
- Tuesday, 26 July - 5:15 pm, Whakaari Meeting Room @ Eastbay REAP, 21 Pyne Street, Whakatāne
- Thursday, 28 July - 5:15pm, Murupara Service Centre, 48 Pine Drive, Murupara
- Voting documents delivered 16 - 21 September
- Voting closes noon Saturday 8 October.
For information head to Council’s dedicated elections webpage >> www.whakatane.govt.nz/beagamechanger.