Water meters will soon be installed in every property within the Matatā Water supply scheme as part a phased programme of work which will run into 2024.
While the project has a focus on residential properties within Matatā, ageing water meters in some commercial properties will also be replaced.
Whakatāne District Council Manager Three Waters, Glen Cooper said the project will allow better management of the water network and more effective identification of leaks.
“The installation project is designed to encourage users to be more aware of their water consumption, it’s not a revenue-gathering tool.”
Council reporting indicates Matatā households use much higher amounts of water than the national average. The reports compare water supply to the area against national average household use, which is the only means of measuring water use in unmetered areas. The Bay of Plenty Regional Council Land and Water Plan also encourages installation of water meters to avoid unnecessary water wastage.
"Water meters allow for more effective and efficient identification of leaks, as many underground leaks go undetected.
"We’ve seen in other areas across the district that having meters installed has significantly reduced water demand by detecting leaks on private properties," he said.
The system for charging for water will not change in the short term. This means property owners will continue to be charged a supply fee included in the land rates, rather than per cubic metre of water used.
If volumetric charging is introduced in the future, it will only be following a formal consultation process through the Long Term Plan.
The type of water meters being used are manifold type meters which are equipped with a basic backflow device to ensure the protection of the public water supply from backflow, especially in low-risk areas like residential properties.
Mr Cooper said contractors will start work in the next few weeks. "We anticipate there will be minimal disruption to property owners or occupiers during the installation process but encourage people to contact Whakatāne District Council on 07 3060500 if they have any queries."
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