What is the current situation for the Murupara water supply?
Council regularly tests the water in the pipes of the Murupara Water supply which is untreated, high-quality water. Recent testing has recorded higher than normal levels of a contaminant in the supply. While it is not currently a public health risk at the levels recorded, Council has been unable to reduce those levels over this period, and there is concern that it could become a health risk if not actively managed.
What needs to happen to improve the situation?
When the contamination was originally detected in mid-April, a one-off dosing with hypochloride solution followed by a flushing of the system reduced the levels. Latest samples show an increase in the readings again, so we need to dose again. This operation is planned for Friday, 8 May 2020. Following that we would like to use a chlorine tablet (Approx 80mm diameter) similar to those used in a swimming pool at the source of the water to try and eliminate this problem in the future. The tablet provides a minimal dose of chlorine to the water as it comes into the holding tank. It would be very diluted by the time it gets to the reservoirs and then more so once it enters the pipe network throughout Murupara.
Who have we talked to about managing this?
Whakatāne District Council senior staff have talked with Te Rūnanga o Ngāti Manawa and Te Rūnanga o Ngāti Whare senior staff, as well as members of the Murupara Community Board. Council is respectful of the community’s decision to keep the water supply untreated given the high quality of the water in the bores. We recognise that this method requires a light form of chlorination, however it is the most effective method to ensure the health of the community is protected from further contamination.