The Murupara water supply will receive a one-off sanitising treatment from 10am on Monday, 25 May to remove a recurring contamination. The collective decision was made following a series of hui with community leaders. Treatment takes about three hours and residents may notice a very slight chlorine taste and smell while in progress.
The water is safe to drink, but residents are advised they can fill up their jug, have water on hand, boil the water and / or flush taps for a few minutes after treatment until the smell and taste disappears. The Council recognises the importance of maintaining the mauri of the Murupara water supply, which is untreated and high-quality, and respects the views of the community - but has a legal obligation to deliver clean, drinkable water.
Testing will take place after treatment. If the problem persists, the Council will have further kōrero with the wider community about what to do. The Council is committed to working with the Murupura community on managing the water supply system to keep the community healthy and safe.