The Better Off Funding programme is advancing and continues to meet milestone dates. As of 30 June, just over $2 million of the original $5.66 million of funding received has been spent on projects to enhance local amenities and residents outcomes.
Whakatāne District Council received funding from the Department of Internal Affairs in December 2022.
At today’s (1 August) Living Together Committee meeting, General Manager Strategy and Transformation, Steven Perdia, presented the latest Better Off Funding (BOF) programme update on the progress of each of the seven projects.
“After extending some project completion dates, we’re pleased with how the programme is tracking. Over the last few months, we’ve made significant progress on several projects,” says Mr Perdia.
“Two projects are now complete, one of which continues with some final maintenance and monitoring. Four others are progressing towards their completion dates without any risks. One project has some risk associated with completion, and the project team are working on plans to alleviate this.”
The BOF has allowed the Council to speed up the delivery of key projects that will benefit communities across the district. Some of the projects include providing better outreach into rural and remote communities, greater access to recreational activities, and more support for iwi to engage in projects.
Progress updates for each of the seven projects follow.
Eastern Bay of Plenty Spatial Plan ($200K)
The project team has spent the total allocation of funds to accelerate the Eastern Bay Spatial Plan Project. Funding was used to launch the ‘Our Places—Eastern Bay of Plenty Spatial Plan’ website, develop and finalise maps showing current and future growth scenarios, and assist with project planning. The project team, stakeholders, and partners also completed several workshops as part of the acceleration phase.
CCTV Upgrade and Expansion ($1M)
The CCTV project is complete after 33 new cameras were installed in 2023. The remaining budget allocated to this project is being used for monitoring and maintenance costs through to 2026. Since the installation of the cameras, eight have been vandalised and repaired, five additional cameras have been upgraded, and two new cameras have been installed. The project includes implementing a radio system so the monitoring team can communicate directly with the police.
Natural Hazard Resilience ($1.36M)
The Natural Hazards Resilience project is making good progress, with over half of the funding budget already spent. Seismic strengthening and minor upgrade work to Te Teko War Memorial will be completed soon. Similar work to Waimana-Nukuhou North Memorial Hall was completed in October 2023. These upgrades will better equip the two to serve the community in case of an emergency.
The project team are in the process of purchasing emergency resources and supplies, which will be stored in outlying communities throughout the district. Additional emergency supplies will be stored at elevated locations in highly populated areas. Work to develop an alternative Emergency Operations Centre on higher ground continues.
Collective Iwi Policy Hub ($1M)
The Collective Iwi Policy Hub’s work programme and budget projections are now complete. The next steps involve getting the tools and technology to build platforms for the plan and integrating them with the Council. Engagement work continues with iwi and hāpu on future aspirations to incorporate into the draft Eastern Bay Spatial Plan.
He Waka Hono Hapori Community Connections and Outreach ($500K)
The community can expect to see two new VW vans servicing the district later this year as part of the Hono Hapori Community Outreach project. The Council received the vehicles in May, which are now awaiting a special fit-out. This fit-out will include installing ramps, awnings, IT, and communication equipment. Community engagement will occur in August to hear which services people would like to see available.
Edgecumbe to Thornton Trail ($900K)
After undergoing engagement with the community in March, construction begins in August to upgrade the existing grass track of the Edgecumbe to Thornton Trail project. This first section will start at the Edgecumbe Squash and Tennis Club and end at the Kart Club. Engagement work continues with private landowners for parts of sections two and three to address concerns around spraying and privacy. The project team may need to consider an alternative route design for sections two and three to mitigate concerns. Some work on section four has begun and is 80% complete.
Southern District Towns Regeneration ($700K)
Consultants are assisting Ngāti Whare and Minginui Village Incorporated Society in generating a shared vision and Master Plan for the Minginui community. The community has held its first hui to hear its aspirations and gather feedback.
The Murupara Master Plan is scheduled to begin in October. It will highlight Ngāti Manawa’s aspirations and guide the development of the Murupara community. The project team will then integrate the community goals and vision into the planning process.