An assessment programme to identify Council-owned buildings which will require earthquake strengthening over the coming years has seen six buildings listed for structural improvements.
The Whakatāne and District War Memorial Hall, Rugby Park Grandstand, Waimana Nukuhou North Memorial Hall, Te Teko War Memorial Hall and commercial buildings at 2 The Strand and 58 The Strand will all require strengthening to meet the Government's earthquake-prone building standards. Improvements must be carried out within 15 years, or 7.5 years in the case of "priority buildings".
The Whakatāne and District War Memorial Hall is the only priority building in the group and $550,000 has been included in the Council's 2019/20 draft Annual Plan to raise the building's earthquake resistance capability well above the minimum standard required.
Budget will be set aside to strengthen the Rugby Park Grandstand, Waimana Nukuhou North Memorial Hall and Te Teko War Memorial Hall as part of the development of future Long Term Plans.