Due to several severe crashes over the holiday period, Whakatāne District Council will temporarily be reducing the speed limit on the Ōhope Hill from 80km to 60km.
Council Acting Manager Transportation David Wathall said when making the decision people’s safety was the council’s top priority.
“We’ve seen too many traumatic crashes on this road over the last few weeks. Temporarily reducing the speed is a stop-gap measure to hopefully help prevent any more crashes from occurring, or to reduce the severity of impact during a crash.
“This isn’t just to protect drivers, but also people walking on the footpath who may be put in harm’s way if a car leaves the road.”
Mr Wathall said the Council will be investigating more permanent physical options to make the road safer like possibly extending safety barriers or removing the passing lane by the footpath, but these will all need to be worked through.
A permanent speed change will also need to go through a consultation process with the public.
Eastern Bay Road Policing Manager Chris Howard said Police “whole heartedly supported” any change that makes the road safer and more forgiving of mistakes.
“We’ve had a lot of rain recently and it is clear drivers are not slowing their speeds and driving to the conditions which has resulted in some serious crashes,” he said.
“If drivers are not modifying their speeds, we are pleased the Council is doing it for them.
“These crashes have resulted in serious trauma to those involved and to emergency services and Council staff who have had to attend. They also result in delays for other motorists and tie up a lot of resources.
“Anything to reduce the risk of crashes has Police support,” said Mr Howard.
The temporary reduced speed limit will stay in place until the end of summer and will then be reviewed by Council.