Night works will be underway along Commerce Street from 6pm this evening, finishing up at 6am Friday (weather dependant).
- Works will run during night hours only from 6pm to 6am, to ensure minimal daytime disruption
- The road will re-open at 6am for usual daytime use
- Ensure parked cars and rubbish bins are clear of these areas
- Line marking, including within parking bays will not be completed until the resurfacing work is finalised so please
- be mindful of your parking during this time and take care to position your cars appropriately.
- Traffic management and detours will be in place during these nightworks.
- Those who live on Shapley Place, Pyne Street, Louvain Street, Merritt Street, Simpkins Street, and Domain Road - note there'll be temporary access disruption at the Commerce Street end of your roads during these times.
Tēnā koutou i ngākaunui mai. Thanks for your patience and cooperation as we work to improve our local roads.