2017 dog registration early bird winner announced

Graeme Lewer of Whakatāne District Council and Niall Fitzgerald with the early bird registration prize.Congratulations to Matatā residents Jacqueline and Niall Fitzgerald, who have won the Council-sponsored new kennel and run for 2017. A further eight prizes supplied by Nestle are being distributed to other lucky recipients. The Council greatly appreciates Nestle’s long-standing support of Whakatāne’s annual dog registration promotion. 

More information on Nestle's dog products, including TUX and Purina »

Graeme Lewer, Community Regulations Manager at Whakatāne District Council, says a total of 5164 dogs – nearly 100 more than last year – were registered early at the discounted rate.

“The first step towards responsible dog ownership is registering your dogs,” he says. “I’d also like to remind people that if any member of the public is experiencing dog control or dog nuisance issues, they should make us aware of the problem and allow our team to obtain a successful outcome for all. Note that personal details are kept confidential.”

First posted: 

Monday, 4 September 2017 - 9:34am