Community help sought to combat motorcycles on reserves

The Whakatāne District Council is seeking the community’s help to stop motorcycles being ridden on District reserves.

A recent incident which saw a dog killed and a rider injured has highlighted the fact that some motorcyclists have been using the Warren Cole Walkway and the reserves adjoining it as an off-road shortcut between Landing Road and the town centre. Motorcycles are banned in those areas and there is signage at main entry points confirming that their use is not permitted.

WDC Parks Technical Advisor Fiona Hennessey says there have been a number of reports of an unregistered ‘mini-bike’ being ridden at speed along the riverbank reserves. “This is a difficult situation to control, because there are many possible entry points and the people involved are obviously ignoring the signs and the reactions of the people they are annoying with their antics.

“Whenever we receive a complaint, one of our security contractors is asked to follow it up, but unfortunately, by the time they arrive, the people causing the problem have usually left the scene.”

She says that to take action against those responsible, the Council needs to be able to identify them. “We would ask walkway users and nearby residents who encounter motorcycles on the riverbank reserve to notify us immediately, and also to take note of the motorcycle registration number, if there is one. If it is unregistered, a cellphone photo of the rider and motorcycle would certainly help us and the Police to track these people down.”

Where dangerous practices are observed, Ms Hennessey asks that a formal complaint be made to both Council and the Police. “We are very keen to see this activity stop, but that won’t happen without the community’s help."

First posted: 

Monday, 15 April 2013 - 9:00am