Evening to celebrate National Poetry Day at Te Kōputu

Evening to celebrate National Poetry Day at Te Kōputu Members of the Whakatāne community are invited to unlock their inner poet at a special poetry evening to be held at Te Kōputu a te whanga a Toi - Whakatāne Library and Exhibition Centre - on Thursday, 27 August to celebrate National Poetry Day.

The team at Te Kōputu have organised a free event to mark the 18th celebration of National Poetry Day. The poetry evening is open to anyone, and will take place in the Sheaff Gallery from 5:30pm to 7pm.

Whakatāne Library Public Programmes Officer, Anneke Philps, says it will be a casual and relaxed event. "It’s all about having fun,” she says. “People are invited to get up and give it a go, or just enjoy listening."

Ms Philps says light refreshments and beverages will be served at the event. "This is a free event, so turn up on the night and see if your inner poet emerges, or just enjoy the recital."

Spring is approaching, buds unfurling, flowers are coming out.
Be courageous and daring, branch out by reading a poem aloud.
A chance to turn over a new leaf, experience something new.
Celebrate National Poetry Day here with us at Te Kōputu.

Time to slow down and unwind for a while,
No need to dress up, it’s a relaxed kinda style.
Thursday August twenty-seven, Five-Thirty to Seven.
Just roll up for an evening in poetry heaven.

For more information contact Anneke Philps, Public Programmes Officer on 07 306 0509 or Anneke.Philps@whakatane.govt.nz.


First posted: 

Monday, 24 August 2015 - 11:30am