Exhibition opening sees early library closure this weekend

An example of an item from the collection. This weekend will see the opening of Te Kōputu’s latest exhibition - Ngā Taonga o te Whakatōhea. The Whakatāne Library and Exhibition Centre will be closing at 12:30 pm on Saturday, 28 November to allow for a special pohiri acknowledging the arrival of the collection.

Ngā Taonga o te Whakatōhea: taonga from Te Amoamo Te Riaki Whānau collection will be opening in the Sheaff Family Gallery with a pohiri for friends and family of the Amoamo whānau.

Museum and Arts Exhibitions Co-ordinator Victoria Sinclair says this will be the first time the collection has been exhibited. “This is an opportunity to view an important collection of taonga which embody a tangible connection for Whakatōhea to their ancestors and land.” 

This exhibition will be open to the public from 10 am on Sunday, 29 November and run until Sunday, 24 January 2016. 

First posted: 

Tuesday, 24 November 2015 - 3:44pm