Feasibility study for Whakatāne War Memorial Hall redevelopment

Whakatāne War Memorial Hall The Whakatane District Council is to undertake a full feasibility study on the proposed redevelopment of the Whakatane War Memorial Hall.

The project aims to create a facility capable of accommodating a wider range of indoor sports, events and conference activities and has been tentatively programmed (through the 2015-25 Long Term Plan) for completion between 2017 and 2020.

A strategic project assessment received by the Council’s Projects and Services Committee yesterday (3 September) indicated that the redevelopment would support the Council’s community and economic development goals, and contribute to the success of regional and national sporting strategies. The assessment, undertaken by the Giblin Group, also noted strong support for the proposal from existing users, including conference and event organisers who identified a need for better quality facilities to meet future event requirements.

To advance the project, the report recommended that the Council proceeds with a feasibility study, based on the NZ Treasury’s ‘Better Business Case’ model. That will include:

  • The establishment of a project governance group to oversee the project, evaluate successful facilities in other areas and report back to the Council;
  • Further consultation with key stakeholders to more closely define community needs and redevelopment options; and
  • Preparation of architectural concept drawings and estimated development costs.

The Long Term Plan forecasts a total project cost of $10.6 million, two-thirds of which would be sourced from subsidies and grants. The balance of the cost would come from loan funding, asset renewal reserves and development contributions.

From an operational perspective, the Council will also undertake a detailed seismic analysis of the building, to identify its earthquake strengthening needs, and implement service delivery improvements.

In her report to the Projects and Services Committee, Council Community Services Manager Paula Chapman said the War Memorial Hall was an important facility, used for “many cultural, community, sporting and commercial events, sometimes in conjunction with the adjacent reserve areas”.

The original War Memorial Hall facility was built in the 1950s, with extensive additions and alterations undertaken in the 1970s, when the sports stadium and Little Theatre were constructed. Its proposed upgrading has been included in successive long term plans since 2006.

First posted: 

Tuesday, 8 September 2015 - 1:55pm