Gorge Road cycleway/walkway approved

The construction of a shared-use cycleway and walkway from the bottom of Gorge Road to White Horse Drive in Whakatāne has been added to the Whakatāne District Council’s 2014/15 capital works programme.

Such projects are normally considered through the annual plan process, but in this instance, the Council was asked to submit a special funding application to the NZ Transport Agency late last year to take advantage of the availability of Government subsidy funding. NZTA will contribute just over $776,000 towards the $1.36 million work programme, which also includes drainage and road shoulder improvements. Most of the remaining Council share will be met from existing budgets, but external contributions will be sought to cover a project funding shortfall of $164,000.

The project was approved at an extraordinary Council meeting on Tuesday, where Councillors welcomed the opportunity to complete the popular off-road, shared-use pathway between Whakatāne and Ōhope.

Mayor Tony Bonne said the wider pathway would address safety concerns for cyclists and pedestrians using Gorge Road, one of the District’s most heavily-used highways. “The existing footpath is not ideal, given the number of pedestrians and cyclists who regularly use it, and this additional funding will allow us to more than double the pathway width over most of the 1.25 km route,” he said.

Speaking in support of the project, Councillor Julie Jukes described it as a “fantastic opportunity” which would have wide community and economic development benefits.

For most of its length the pathway will be three metres wide, but it will narrow to 2.5 metres in areas where retaining wall structures are required to extend the off-road space available. New kerbing and channelling and improved stormwater outlets will also be installed, together with uniform sealed road shoulders on both sides of the road. The existing uphill passing lane will be retained.

Tenders will be called for the work in the near future, so that the Council can comply with an NZTA requirement that the project be completed before 30 June.

First posted: 

Friday, 30 January 2015 - 10:35am