Iwi role in Council decision-making to be discussed

The chairpersons and chief executives of all seven Iwi in the Whakatāne District have been invited to a hui to discuss opportunities for Māori participation in Council decision-making.

Mayor Tony Bonne says the election of the new Council last month makes it timely to review the organisation’s relationships with iwi and determine whether there is a consensus view about the best structure for future involvement.

“We greatly value the positive relationships we have with the District’s Māori communities and wish to ensure that we continue to provide opportunities for meaningful engagement with iwi,” he says. “For a number of years, we have relied on our Iwi Liaison Committee to provide Council with guidance and bring an iwi view to the various plans and projects which shape the District. However, the significant changes which Rūnanga have undergone as part of the Treaty of Waitangi settlement process have, in some instances, seen the creation of new governance structures and we think it’s appropriate to reconsider how the Council can best engage with iwi in the future.”

Mayor Bonne says the aim is to achieve better outcomes for all of the people of the District. “With that in mind, one option that has been suggested is an Iwi Leaders Forum, with representation from each Rūnanga. We’ll be looking to explore that possibility, in the light of the roles and aspirations each organisation perceives will best serve its constituents.”

A hui with chairpersons and chief executives of each Rūnanga will be held on 27 November, followed by a hui with ILC members from the last triennium of Council on 5 December. Recommendations which flow from these meetings will be considered before a final decision is made.

First posted: 

Monday, 18 November 2013 - 12:00am