Last chance to have your say on the 2013-14 Annual plan

Anyone wanting to provide feedback on the Whakatāne District Council’s draft Annual Plan for 2013/14 has until 5.00pm on Friday to complete a submission form and return it to any Council office, or visit and make an online submission.

The Council’s Strategy and Planning General Manager, David Bewley, says the submissions process provides an opportunity for the community to voice its thoughts and concerns on a wide range of issues.

“We are specifically looking for feedback on the proposals set out in the draft Annual Plan and draft Fees and Charges, including the proposed rates increases for the next year. Many people also provide submissions on other matters too, such as walking and cycling projects, stormwater and growth initiatives,” Mr Bewley says. “The Council’s elected members will consider all submissions and anyone who has indicated they would like to present their views in person is welcome to do so at next month’s hearings.”

Submission hearings will be held from 3 – 7 May, with any changes to the draft documents to be decided by 21 May. The final Annual Plan 2013/14 will be adopted by the Council on 26 June.

Mr Bewley says the draft Annual Plan does not differ significantly from the programme set out in last year’s Long Term Plan for 2012-22. “We are proposing an average rates rise of 2.47 percent across the District, which is the lowest increase in 10 years. It’s very much a business as usual approach, which is guided by the principles of affordability, responsibility and sustainability. The aim is to keep delivering reliable, good quality services, like roads and footpaths, water, stormwater and sewerage systems, refuse disposal, parks and reserves - all of the things the community needs.”

The Council had received around 110 submissions by Wednesday morning, of which 76 were related to the proposed Matatā Sewerage Scheme. Of the feedback received on the scheme, about 80 percent were in favour of installing a full sewerage reticulation system in Matatā. Because that would have a rating impact on everyone currently connected to a District sewerage scheme (other than Murupara), the Council is keen to hear the wider community’s views on the proposal.

First posted: 

Wednesday, 10 April 2013 - 12:00am