Love a list: make it, take it, stick to it, save the planet

Love Food Hate Waste encourages everyone to stick to a shopping listNew research from the Love Food Hate Waste campaign reveals 74% of us claim to use a shopping list, but only 55% actually stick to it. 

Love Food Hate Waste is calling for Kiwis to ‘Love a List’ to help reduce the hundreds of thousands of tonnes of avoidable food waste sent to landfill. Whakatāne District Council’s Manager Solid Waste, Nigel Clarke, says there are all sorts of ways to make shopping lists, and in turn, decrease the pressure on local landfills. He says that research shows the more you plan, the less you buy and the less you throw out. 

“Making a list and only buying what you need is the most important thing when it comes to grocery shopping. It can be as simple as writing a list on the back of an old envelope or talking to your watch and telling Siri or Alexa what you need to buy,” he says. “Or you might use a whiteboard on your fridge and take a photo of the list before you visit the supermarket. There are also some great list-making apps, which can save you time and money.”

For those who find it difficult to stick to a list, Mr Clarke has a few tips. 

“Check the online mailer or supermarket flyer before you go shopping. That way you know in advance what the specials are and can plan your meals around them,” he explains. “There is no point buying two broccoli for $2 on special if you just end up throwing one of them away.”

He also says it’s okay to buy specials on impulse that aren’t on the list, but encourages people to make sure they are dried or tinned goods or items with a long shelf life. 

“Try not to shop with children, as that can make it harder to stick to your list. However, if you need to bring them with you - get them involved. Make them in charge of looking for the items and then crossing them off the list.”

Love Food Hate Waste organisers acknowledge that writing a shopping list may seem to be an unlikely way to save the planet in the uncertain COVID-19 world of 2020, but making a list and sticking to it is one simple thing we can all do.

For more information, and tips on how to reduce food waste, visit the Love Food Hate Waste website

First posted: 

Tuesday, 17 November 2020 - 1:29pm