Major grant for Museum redevelopment

The northwestern perspective view of the planned Whakatāne Museum redevelopment. Whakatāne’s planned Museum redevelopment project has received a major boost, following confirmation of a $400,000 grant by the Lottery Grants Board.

Councillor John Pullar, Chairman of the Whakatāne District Council’s Museum Redevelopment Governance Group, says the fact that the Museum’s grant application was funded in full is very encouraging. “This much-needed project requires $3 million in external funding to be secured before it can proceed,” he says. We’ll be applying to a range of major funding agencies to secure the support required, so to have our first significant application funded in full is a very positive sign.”

The $4.5 million project involves:

  • The expansion and redevelopment of the existing Museum Research Centre facility in Boon Street to provide a dedicated public research centre with greater access to museum resources
  • A multi-functional education room for school groups and researchers
  • The creation of purpose-built storage areas with museum-standard climate control

Mr Pullar says that the Museum collection contains some 700,000 items of regional and national significance and is conservatively valued at more than $9 million. “It’s vital that we take steps now to preserve the collection adequately and ensure that it is available to inspire and enlighten our future generations.”

Meanwhile, Council Community Services Manager Paula Chapman says confirmation has also been received that the Eastern Bay Energy Trust will contribute $40,000 towards the project’s energy-related costs.

“In combination, these contributions represent an important milestone for the project, and we’ll be looking to build upon that funding base over the next six months through applications to funding agencies and community fundraising activities,” she says.

First posted: 

Thursday, 25 June 2015 - 8:43am