Peach trees free to community groups and organisations

Children from the James Street School planted one of the peach trees.Freshly-picked peaches could be on offer at a kohanga, school, or community centre near you. Pride Whakatāne has purchased 55 ‘Snow Grace’ peach trees (Prunus persica) from Waimea Nurseries to gift to worthy community groups and organisations.

Pride Whakatāne Committee Chair and Whakatāne District Councillor, Andrew Iles, says the fruit tree project is a great way to see the benefits of sustainable gardening. “It’s the ‘give man a fish’ versus the ‘teach a man to fish’ approach in action,” he says. “It’s great to see children, in particular, learn the benefits of caring for and nurturing a tree, and getting something in return.”

Councillor Iles says the Snow Grace variety has been specifically chosen for this project. “It’s self-pollinating and can handle the warmer climate here in the Whakatāne District.”

One tree will be given away per group, on a first-in, first-served basis. To apply for a peach tree, community groups and organisations are invited to email the Pride Whakatāne District Committee Secretary, Mrs Sandy Pryde at with details about the group or organisation, and how it would benefit from planting a fruiting tree. The Committee would like recipients to keep in contact after planting the tree and send through photos every season to show the tree’s progress.

First posted: 

Friday, 27 May 2016 - 9:06am