Significant corporate art collection on show at Te Kōputu

Alfred Sharp, A peep at Coromandel from the Whangapoua bridle track, 1884 A selection of important historical and contemporary New Zealand artworks are to be shown in a new exhibition, ‘From the Fletcher Collection’, which opens this Friday in the Opus Gallery at Te Kōputu a te Whanga a Toi - Whakatāne Library and Exhibition Centre.

Over 30 paintings will be shown, including works by prominent artists Charles Blomfield, John Tole, Gordon Walters, Colin McCahon, Michael Smither and Bill Hammond.

Selected artworks have been drawn from The Fletcher Trust Collection, established in 1962 by Sir James Fletcher and usually housed at the Fletcher Building complex in Auckland. This exhibition offers our region a rare opportunity to view a significant private collection, presenting local audiences with an insight into New Zealand’s most important art movements.

The Chairman of the Trust, Angus Fletcher, will attend the opening ceremony at Te Kōputu, hosted by Whakatāne Mayor Tony Bonne.

'From the Fletcher Collection' opens at 6 pm on Friday and will run until 24 January 2016.

First posted: 

Tuesday, 10 November 2015 - 2:25pm