Sunair brings new services to Whakatāne Airport

The Mayor of Whakatāne, Tony Bonne, welcomes Sunair representatives Ryan Bergman and Dan and Bev Power. Update - 6 May 2015

Fares for Sunair’s new Whakatāne-Hamilton and Whakatāne-Gisborne air services have been reduced to $190 each way, down from the $290 advised last week. The new service is receiving bookings, and Sunair anticipates that the new fare will prove popular.

The Whakatāne-Napier fare remains $290 each way.

Tauranga-based Sunair Aviation Limited is to introduce a range of new services linking Whakatāne to other regional centres.

From Monday, 4 May, Sunair will offer scheduled weekday services from Whakatāne Airport to Hamilton, Gisborne and Napier. Flight times have been scheduled to suit business travellers, with departures for Gisborne and Napier at 9:30 am, Monday to Friday. Afternoon return flights depart from Napier at 4:00 pm and Gisborne at 5:00 pm, arriving at Whakatāne Airport at 5:30 pm. There will also be a Gisborne-Whakatāne morning flight, departing at 7:00 am and arriving in Whakatāne at 7:30 am.

Whakatāne-Hamilton flights will also be available Monday to Friday, departing Whakatāne Airport at 7:45 am and 5:45 pm. Return flights will depart from Hamilton at 8:45 am and 6:45 pm, arriving at Whakatāne at 9:15 am and 7:15 pm respectively.

Sunair spokesman Ryan Bergman says the company is “very excited” about the development of the new routes and providing for business and private traveller links between the centres.

“Sunair has been providing air services to and from the Bay of Plenty for more than 25 years, and we believe there is both a demand and considerable potential to expand scheduled flights linking North Island regions. We’re delighted to include Whakatāne in our route structure and look forward building a solid relationship with the business and wider community in the Eastern Bay of Plenty,” Mr Bergman says.

Services to and from Whakatāne will be serviced by Sunair’s fleet of 10 Piper Aztec aircraft, each of which can carry five passengers.

Whakatāne Mayor Tony Bonne has applauded the Sunair service initiative. “There is a definite gap in the market for scheduled services between regional centres, and I think businesspeople will welcome the chance to be able to carry out a full day’s work in Gisborne, Napier and Hamilton without having to spend half of their time on the road,” he says. “We wish them well and encourage the community to support these new services.”

Fares will be $290 one-way, including GST. Bookings can be made online or by phone (0800 SUNAIR).

First posted: 

Wednesday, 29 April 2015 - 10:47am