Teen poets wanted

Teen poets wanted If you're aged between 13 and 16 years old, have a literary bent and are seeking creative opportunities, the Whakatāne Library has just the outlet you are looking for.

Public Programmes Officer Anneke Philps says the Library's first 'Poetree Competition' for 2016 is just for younger teens and offers a chance to create imaginative verse using the titles on book or DVD spines.

"Simply compose a poem by stacking works from your own bookshelf and/or DVD collection, or come in to the Horizon Energy Library at Te Kōputu if you need further inspiration, then photograph your masterpiece, email or drop a hard copy in to the Library by Thursday, 21 January, and you’ll definitely win a prize," she explains. "We’re still confirming the details, but I can promise that the main award will be seriously cool.

"Rhyming couplets are not a requirement, but quirky, thought-provoking or amusing creations will definitely capture the judges' attention."

Entries should be emailed (to library@whakatane.govt.nz), mailed (to PO Box 361) or hand-delivered (to the Whakatāne Library and Exhibition Centre) by 5 pm on 21 January. The winners will be announced the following week.

Please ensure that name, age and contact details are included with all entries.

First posted: 

Wednesday, 6 January 2016 - 1:23pm