Time running out for election nominations

Whakatāne District Council Electoral Official Janie Storey is reminding aspiring local election candidates that they only have until midday on Friday, 16 August 2013 to get their nominations in.

Although a number of nomination packs are circulating with interested people, the Council has only received a handful of nominations for the upcoming local elections, including:

  • Three nominations for Mayor (one position)
  • Five nominations to stand as a Councillor for the Whakatāne-Ōhope Ward (five positions)
  • One nomination to stand as a Councillor for the Rangitāiki Ward (three positions)
  • Zero nominations to stand as a Councillor for the Galatea-Murupara Ward (one position)
  • Zero nominations to stand as a Councillor for the Taneatua-Waimana Ward (one position)
  • Three nominations for the Whakatāne Community Board (six positions)
  • Zero nominations for the Ōhope Community Board (six positions)
  • Zero nominations for the Murupara Community Board (six positions)
  • Two nominations for the Rangitāiki Community Board (six positions)
  • One nomination for the Tāneatua Community Board (six positions)

Ms Storey says if you are a New Zealand citizen, over 18 years of age and you’re on the electoral roll, you can stand as a candidate. “All you need is the desire to represent your community and make a difference.

“The Mayor and Councillors have a key role in decision-making about community development, recreation, building consents, sewerage, water, roads, planning, and local bylaws, to name a few,” she says. “Community Boards make recommendations about how the Council should spend money on local neighbourhood services in the community for all residents.”

Anyone wishing to stand as an elected member must be nominated by two people enrolled in the district or ward the nomination applies to, and pay a deposit of $200. All candidates have the option to provide a 150 word statement which is distributed with the voting papers. Nominations close at noon on Friday, 16 August.

Ms Storey urges people not to wait until the last minute to get nominations in. “If you do leave it until the last minute and there is something missing from your application, we can’t provide an extension of time.”

Nomination forms can be collected from Council’s offices or downloaded from Elections 2013.

First posted: 

Monday, 12 August 2013 - 12:00am