Trustpower Whakatāne District Community Award winners announced

The Murupara Youth Leadership Projects Team The Murupara Youth Leadership Projects Team has won the Supreme Award at the fourth annual Trustpower Whakatāne District Community Awards. The Awards were announced and presented last night (Monday 3 August) at a function at the Whakatāne Little Theatre.

Trustpower Community Relations Representative, Kathlene Cook says it was a pleasure to acknowledge such an incredible voluntary group which is really sparking some life into their small community.

"The Murupara Youth Leadership Projects Team grew from a few passionate people who wanted to see their whanau reconnecting with their community," Ms Cook says. "From there, the group has reached new heights and is providing an incredible base for the young people of Murupara to reconnect with the area and take part in smoke-free and drug-free activities."

Ms Cook says the group is promoting leadership by training their unemployed to become youth workers, and increasing the momentum in the small Murupara community. "The opportunity to educate and develop its people has become the focus for this hard-working group."

The Murupara Youth Leadership Projects Team received a framed certificate, trophy and $1,500 in prize money for taking out the Supreme Award. The Murupara Youth Leadership Projects Team now has the opportunity to represent the District at the 2015 Trustpower National Community Awards, which are being held in Dunedin in March 2016.

The Trustpower Youth Community Spirit Award, which recognises secondary school students' service to the school and the community, was awarded to Anna Glibbery from Whakatāne High School. The award is run in conjunction with the Trustpower Whakatāne District Community Awards with the support of Whakatāne District Council. Anna received a trophy, framed certificate and $500 prize money. She also got to make a $250 donation to a community group of her choice, for which she nominated the Dream Chaser Foundation.

Ms Cook says Anna is a talented young woman who instinctively gives her time, talents and experience freely. "Anna is a school prefect, part of the school ball committee, part of the 40hr Famine committee, the organiser of many charity days at her school and she has been on the school council for four years running," she says. "She is a brilliant young leader with her mind on community.

"This Youth Community Spirit Award seeks to find young people like Anna, as they show us that the future is bright and we are in good hands."

This year’s awards saw a staggering 76 entries. Recipients and finalists of the 2015 Trustpower Whakatāne District Community Awards were:

Heritage and environment

Runner Up: Whakatāne Kopeopeo Lions
Winner: Nukuhou Saltmarsh Care Group

Health and Wellbeing

Commendation: Jezreel Womens’ Support Home
Runner Up: Whakatāne SPCA
Winner: The Clothing Project

Arts and Culture

Runner Up: Arts Whakatāne
Winner: Theatre Whakatāne

Sports & Leisure

Runner Up: Whakatāne Volunteer Coastguard Assn Inc
Winner: Bay of plenty Motorcycle Club Inc

Education & Child Youth Development

Runner Up: Whakatāne High School Interact Club
Winner: Eastern Bay of Plenty Life Education Trust

Supreme Winner
Murupara Youth Leadership Projects Team

Youth Community Spirit

Winner: Anna Glibbery, Whakatāne High School
Finalist: Bryce Coulter, Trident High School
Finalist: Moutoka Vercoe, Edgecumbe College

Trustpower Whakatāne District Community Award winners

First posted: 

Tuesday, 4 August 2015 - 11:06am