WDC Draft Annual Plan draws 200-plus submissions

The Whakatane District Council has received 219 submissions to its draft Annual Plan for 2013/14, with submitters raising some 500 submission points for Council elected members to consider during a hearing on Friday, 3 May.

Council Public Affairs Manager Ross Boreham says that approximately half of the submissions received related to Matatā, most focusing on the reticulated sewerage system proposed for the town. Matatā property owners were asked to complete a survey on the sewerage proposal and of the 88 responses received, more than 80 percent supported the installation of a full reticulation system serving all properties in the township.

Submissions were also received on a wide range of other topics, with recreation and community facilities receiving the most interest, including 39 submissions seeking the creation of a fenced dog park on the reserve at the river end of Eivers Road. Other subjects included suggested improvements in the condition of Sullivan Lake and more efficient ways of operating the Murupara Pool.

Roading topics covered submissions for and against the suggested removal of the passing lane on Gorge Road, while others sought the inclusion of seal extension projects.

The proposed installation of solar water heating at the Whakatāne Aquatic Centre also drew a number of submissions, with most in support of the initiative.

The total number of submissions was down on recent years. Last year’s Long Term Plan for 2012/22 drew 228 submissions, while the previous year’s 2011/12 Annual Plan saw 296 submissions received. Less submitters also asked to speak to their submissions, meaning that two of next month’s scheduled hearing days will not be needed.

The Council will deliberate on the submissions in late-May, with any changes in planned projects, service delivery or rates to be adopted on 26 June as part of the final Annual Plan for 2013/14.

First posted: 

Tuesday, 23 April 2013 - 12:00am