Burr Road becomes Wharenui Road

The Whakatāne District Council has approved the renaming of Burr Road in the Poroporo area as Wharenui Road, addressing an historical misnomer.

Today, the approximately 500-metre long, no exit road off Rewatu Road provides access to a number of rural properties, but was originally constructed by the Paora family in the mid-20th century as a private accessway to their farm block, house and cowshed. A neighbour, Mr Burr, subsequently asked if he could use the Paora’s accessway, because the alternative, via the “Ernest Road”, was long and prone to flooding. At some point in the following years, the private accessway became a public road and was named Burr Road.

After first approaching the Council in 2008 to enquire about a name change, Mr Peter Paul, the son of the original accessway owners, Wharenui and Pire Paora, undertook the necessary research and consultation and formally requested a name change in September 2014. Seven of the eight residents of Burr Road gave their written support for the proposed change to Wharenui Road, named after Mr Paul’s mother.

While the proposed change fell outside of the Council’s Road Naming and Property Addressing policy, Councillors determined that section 80 of the Local Government Act 2002 should apply, recognising that there was “other worthy justification” for granting the request.

All costs associated with the renaming are to be met by the applicant.

First posted: 

Monday, 29 December 2014 - 8:53pm