Children's entertainment at Te Kōputu on 23 January

If you’re looking for ways to entertain your children these school holidays, then bring them along to Te Kōputu on Friday, 23 January to see funny man Andy Jones present his highly interactive and hilarious show. The event is free-of-charge and starts at 1 pm in the Horizon Energy Library.

A published author, entertainer and storyteller extraordinaire, Andy uses his performances to promote literacy and the love of reading. While fun is at the centre of everything he does, Andy mixes a fine blend of humour with true emotion. On this occasion Andy will be here to entertain the children, but he is known for reaching all ages with his medieval stories, modern stories, historical narratives and folk and fairy tales.

As well as traditional tales, Andy tells a number of personal stories about growing up in a provincial city. Many of these tales contain classical elements of odyssey and journey with a dash of stand-up comedy and life experience.

So if you want to let your child’s imagination wander, bring them along to Te Kōputu on Friday, 23 January.

First posted: 

Thursday, 15 January 2015 - 10:25am