Winter preparations recommended

EBOP Emergency Management Co-ordinator Jim Tetlow says that with summer now passed, the likelihood of significant rainfall and high winds is increasing, and it’s an opportune time for people living in the Eastern Bay of Plenty to prepare for the autumn and winter ahead.

Mr Tetlow says Cyclone Pam is currently developing to the northwest of New Zealand, and other systems are building behind this that could potentially bring significant rainfall to our District. “Although it currently looks like Cyclone Pam will move just to the northeast of the Bay of Plenty, some models are showing fairly heavy rainfall overnight on Sunday and into Monday morning.”

“It’s better to be prepared for any heavy rainfall and high winds if it does eventuate,” he says, “and there are a number of things that can be done to prepare for these sorts of events.”

Mr Tetlow says residents can prepare by:

  • Checking gutters, drains and driveway sumps to remove leaves and debris, particularly after autumn leaf falls
  • Ensuring cesspits are clean and litter-free and removing any leaf litter from roadside grates near your home to help stormwater flow away more freely
  • Storing or securing outdoor furniture to protect it from strong winds
  • Preparing a household emergency plan, especially if you are near a known flooding spot
  • Signing up for emergency alerts at

Residents who live in known flooding areas can also take pre-emptive action and purchase sandbags to use, should flooding become likely. These are available in Whakatāne from Tracks Concrete in Te Tahi Street and in Ōpōtiki from Waiotahi Contractors in Wellington Street, at a cost of $3.50 per bag (including sand).

Mr Tetlow also suggests residents keep up to date on the latest weather warnings. “Residents can keep an eye on the forecast after the evening news, or on the MetService website. Any severe weather warnings will also be shown on the Bay of Plenty Civil Defence website, where there is also more information on how to get prepared.”

First posted: 

Thursday, 12 March 2015 - 10:59am