Community Meeting—Ōhope Beach Community Board

Ōhope Beach Community BoardHave you got some good ideas about making the Ōhope Beach community an even greater place to work, live and visit? The Ōhope Beach Community Board is hosting a community meeting on 13 May where residents can offer their ideas and discuss possibilities for future improvements to the area.

Ōhope Beach Community Board Chairperson Gerard Casey says no idea is too big, or too small. “We’re wanting to find out what our residents think is missing, what needs improvement, what could be reworked or renewed, and what needs to be different,” Mr Casey says. “Once we establish the community’s views on the issues and challenges we face, we can define the barriers that are preventing us from moving forward and look to develop actions for future improvements.”

“We know there is a wealth of good ideas sitting out there in our community, so this is an opportunity to voice them, and with some momentum and community backing, turn them into realities.”

Mr Casey says the happiest communities appear to be those that have a vested interest in their area’s growth and development and involvement at a grassroots level. “We’re looking for positive contributions on the night, and I’m confident we’ll receive some great input.”

The community meeting will be held on Wednesday, 13 May 2015, from 7-9 pm, at the Ōhope Bowling Club, Harbour Road, Ōhope.

Your chance to shape the future of Ōhope

Wednesday, 13 May 2015 from 7-9 pm
Ōhope Bowling Club, Harbour Road, Ōhope

This is an opportunity for Ōhope residents to share their ideas for making our community an even greater place to work, live and visit.

What is missing in our community? What needs to be improved? What could be reworked or renewed? What needs to be different?

The Ōhope Beach Community Board wants your views on the issues and challenges facing our community. Together, we will establish a clear picture of the steps we need to take to shape our future strategies and actions.

Things you could consider:

  • What is great about Ōhope?
  • What are the barriers to expanding or developing?
  • What do you believe we need in Ōhope?

No idea is too big or too small.


Gerard Casey
Chairperson, Ōhope Beach Community Board
07 312 5677 or 027 271 9032

First posted: 

Monday, 4 May 2015 - 9:34am