Library services to be affected during service upgrade

Exciting changes are on the way for the Whakatāne District Libraries with the upcoming launch of a new, computer-based library information system called Kōtui. The changes will involve some short-term disruption to normal library services during the week of Saturday, 20 June–Friday, 26 June, and library users are asked to refrain from borrowing or returning books, wherever possible, during that period.

The new system, which is being launched on Thursday, 25 June 2015, will make it easier for library-goers to search for resources ranging from books, ebooks and DVDs to online resources and databases. 

Whakatāne District Council Library Services Team Leader, Tangimeriana Rua, says that while the disruptions may cause some frustrations to our regular users, the new system will be a significant advance to the services provided. “We do apologise for the inconvenience these changes will cause, and we encourage our regular borrowers to return books and stockpile their next week’s reading this week,” she says. “Any books that are due to be returned during the changeover week can be returned during the week starting 29 June, without incurring any late-return penalty.”

Ms Rua says Kōtui will make it easier to find what you’re looking for when at the Library, but also when searching from home, school, work or on a smartphone. “Kōtui means to interlace or interweave, and that is one of the many advantages of the new system, which integrates our electronic database and eBook offerings, making it easier for people to research all the resources we have available.”

More than 20 libraries in New Zealand have already adopted the Kōtui system, and the response of library users has been very positive. Anyone who would like a preview of the experience Kōtui will provide can have a look at the Kawerau or Ōpōtiki District Library catalogue websites.

First posted: 

Tuesday, 16 June 2015 - 1:55pm