Submissions open for Public Places Bylaw review

Submissions are now open on the Whakatāne District Council’s draft Public Places Bylaw. The bylaw is being reviewed to update and simplify its existing provisions and introduce new provisions to cover camping in locations other than established camp grounds.

Council Strategy and Community General Manager Julie Gardyne says the intent of the new sections is to regulate camping activities in a manner which aligns with the premise of the Freedom Camping Act 2011. The review would also ensure there is a consistent approach to regulating free camping across the Eastern Bay of Plenty’s local authority areas.

“The Public Places Bylaw applies to any place which is owned by or under the control of the Council and aims to protect the public from nuisance; protect, promote and maintain public health and safety; and minimise the potential for offensive behaviour in public places,” she says. “On that basis, the Council has identified a number of areas where overnight camping in self-contained vehicles should either be prohibited or restricted, largely to protect public health and safety—and particularly road safety—or to prevent nuisance, including restricted access for other recreational users.”

Proposed prohibited areas for self-contained overnight camping include:

  • Braemar Springs, Otakiri (to ensure emergency access to a water supply facility is not impeded and cultural values are not compromised)
  • Muriwai Drive, Whakatāne (road safety and public access issues)
  • Kōhī Point Scenic Reserve (cultural values and public access)
  • Mahy Reserve, Ōhope (road safety and nuisance/access issues)
  • Wharekura East Reserve, Ōhope (road safety and public access)
  • Ocean Beach Park, Ōhope (protection of the coastal environment and public access)
  • Goodwins Landing, Ōhope (public access)
  • Uretara East and West Reserves, Ōhope (public access)
  • Otao South Reserve, Ōhope (reserve and amenity protection and public access)
  • Ōhiwa Harbour Wharf car park (road safety and public access)
  • Western Coastal Recreation Reserve, Ōtamarākau – Golf Links Road (coastal environment protection and public access)

Overnight camping would be permitted at the McAlister Street car park in Whakatāne, and in Ōhope at the West End car park and reserve, Maraetōtara Reserve and Port Ōhope Reserve, provided that:

  • Vehicles camp only in the designated areas
  • All vehicles are certified, self-contained
  • There is a maximum stay of two consecutive nights in any one location

Camping in anything other than a certified, self-contained vehicle would be a prohibited activity, except at Aniwhenua Reserve, Galatea, where tenting and non-self-contained vehicles would be permitted for up to a seven-night stay.

Submissions on the draft bylaw close at 5 pm on Monday, 7 December 2015. The Council will then hear the submissions provided, amend the bylaw as required to give effect to the submission points raised, and adopt the revised bylaw so that it takes effect for the 2015/16 holiday season.

An information pack, the proposed draft bylaw and submission form are available here:

Public Places Bylaw consultation »

Hard copies are also available at Council offices and District libraries.

First posted: 

Friday, 6 November 2015 - 2:47pm