Free workshop to aid parents with children’s learning

A free workshop is being offered to parents and caregivers who want to assist their children make the most of the upcoming school year. Andrea O’Hagan – an experienced primary teacher, spelling coach and tertiary teaching fellow – will present this free and informative session on Saturday, 23 January from 10:30-11:30 am at Te Kōputu a te Whanga a Toi – the Whakatāne Library and Exhibition Centre.

Mrs O’Hagan says reading, writing and spelling take up a large part of the school day, so it’s worth investing some time to assist children in this area of their learning. “I am very passionate about equipping our children with tools to make learning easier,” she says, “and will be providing information about a learning strategy that is available to children overseas, but is not yet taught in New Zealand schools.”

The interactive workshop will also address and answer questions such as:

  • Is there a link between reading, writing and spelling?
  • If a child can learn to spell easily, will they find reading and writing easier to master?
  • And why is it that some children can read well but struggle with spelling?

“This is a great opportunity to ensure your children start their year off on the best possible footing, and get excited about learning,” Mrs O’Hagan concludes.

For more information on the free workshop, or to register your interest, please contact the library staff on 07 306 0509, or email

First posted: 

Thursday, 14 January 2016 - 12:10pm