Annual Plan draft budgets approved

The Whakatāne District Council’s Policy Committee has approved draft budgets for the 2016/17 Annual Plan which would see an average rates rise across the District of 3.2 percent.

A report detailing financial forecasts for the year and setting out proposed community consultation processes was received by the committee last week. In the report, Finance General Manager Helen Barnes noted that several matters currently under consideration could have an impact on the final annual plan, and that a number of assumptions had been built into the forecasts. These included the removal of planned 2016/17 capital expenditure for Matatā wastewater reticulation; and the inclusion of additional capital expenditure and associated operating and financing costs for proposed Plains Water Scheme improvements.

The indicative average rate rise is slightly higher than the 2.96 percent estimate reported to the Council in December last year, although it is still substantially lower than both the 2015-25 Long Term Plan forecast (3.84 percent) and the limit set out in the Council’s financial strategy (4.1 percent). The average rate rise across the District for the 2015/16 year was 3.21 percent.

While the report confirms that the financial forecasts comply with all of the Council’s financial strategy limits, and are largely in line with the work plan and budget forecast in the Long Term Plan, it concludes that the proposed Plains Water Scheme capital expenditure does trigger the need for formal public consultation. A consultation document summarising key elements of the 2016/17 annual Plan, including the indicative rates costs applying to various communities and sectors, will be reported to the Committee on 17 March and made publicly available via a four-page supplement to be published in a local free-delivery newspaper. At the same time, community feedback will also be sought on proposed changes to resource consent fees and the Whakatāne District’s draft Gambling Policy.

Copies of the proposed consultation document, supporting reports and submissions forms will be available from Council offices, and on the Council website.

Submissions to the Annual Plan will open on 21 March and close on 22 April. Submission hearings are scheduled for 5-6 May and the Council will then deliberate on any changes required before adopting the final 2016/17 Annual Plan and fees and charges schedule on 23 June.

First posted: 

Monday, 29 February 2016 - 10:09am