Here comes Oxfam

Here comes Oxfam With the inaugural Whakatāne Oxfam Trailwalker set to kick off on Saturday, organisers and entrants alike were putting the finishing touches to preparations for an event that would see more than 1500 people walking up to 100kms through Whakatāne, Ōhope and Taneatua to raise money for Oxfam causes around the Pacific.

Nicola Smallwood of Oxfam New Zealand says that the event has raised $750,000 to date, which was 75% of the target, and with registrations to begin tommorow nearly 280 teams had signed up. "The response we have had has been excellent," she says, "and we are really looking forward to our teams getting out on the new course. We have been working closely with Whakatāne District Council and land owners and we would like to thank them for their cooperation - really think this course is a winner. It takes in some of the best scenic trails in the District, and it is also a real test of stamina."

In addition to the 1500 entrants, support crews and Oxfam staff were expected to bring the numbers of people out and about during the event to 2500, and Whakatāne Mayor Tony Bonne was urging everyone in the District to give them a warm Whakatāne welcome. "We have had a really great turnout of local teams for Trailwalker and we have also had great input from volunteers. But it is still not too late to get involved. Come on down to Mataatua on Saturday and give our guests some support - the starts are at 6am and 7am - or alternatively come down on Sunday and welcome them in."

First posted: 

Thursday, 31 March 2016 - 12:40pm