Local club helps rejuvenate civic garden

Members of the Eastern Bay of Plenty Bromeliad and Orchid Club join Council staff and representatives of Pride Whakatāne to celebrate the rejuvenation of the Civic Centre atrium garden. A special morning tea at Whakatāne’s Civic Centre on Monday recognised the Eastern Bay of Plenty Bromeliad and Orchid Club and Council ground-staff for their efforts in transforming the building’s atrium into a sub-tropical oasis.

Pride Whakatāne Committee Chair, Councillor Andrew Iles, presented a framed certificate of thanks to members of the 30-strong Eastern Bay of Plenty Bromeliad and Orchid Club. Along with a small group of enthusiastic District Council Open Spaces ground-staff, the Club planted more than 150 rare and unusual plants from the Bromeliad family and other subtropical species.

Whakatāne District Council Places and Open Spaces Planner Jane Wright says club volunteers had worked alongside Council staff throughout the process. “They have spent time researching the planting options, designing the space and digging up donated specimens from club members’ garden collections,” Ms Wright says. “We really appreciate Pride Whakatāne’s acknowledgement of all those involved.”

Pride Whakatāne member and keen gardener, Councillor Alison Silcock, says the space looks stunning and enquired whether it would be possible to plant some of these species in her more temperate Galatea-Murupara ward.

Club members Ross and Gaye Fergusson said that they had received positive feedback on the club Facebook page from enthusiasts from around the world and thoroughly enjoyed working with the Council staff.

The morning tea was preceded by a tour of some of the newly-established gardens around the Civic Centre, which are being sequentially refreshed for the first time in 20 years. Team Leader Open Spaces Operations, Ian Molony, said that this was the start of a rejuvenation project for the District’s CBD areas. “We will be working within our resources to replant our civic spaces over the next six months or so," Mr Molony says. “We want to say a big thank you to the Bromeliad and Orchid Club members for volunteering their time and expertise, along with other groups and individuals who do their bit to beautify our community open spaces.”

Councillor Iles said that this first project, which was carried out in the public atrium adjoining the Customer Services area at the Whakatāne Civic Centre, would encourage people to visit. “Take a look the next time you visit the Civic Centre – you will be impressed.”

First posted: 

Wednesday, 11 May 2016 - 2:50pm