Matahī Valley Road bridge closed to heavy traffic

Erosion of Bridge 131 on Matahī Valley Road has forced closure of the bridge.Bridge 131 on Matahī Valley Road, sited immediately to the south of the Matahī Valley School entrance, has been closed to heavy traffic until further notice.

The bridge’s northern abutment is constructed on parent rock, which has been eroded by river action, compromising the bridge support. The Whakatāne District Council is undertaking an urgent structural assessment tomorrow, and if repairs are required, the heavy vehicle prohibition will remain in place until the necessary work has been completed.

In the meantime, cars and light vehicles weighing less than 4 tonnes can continue to use the bridge, but access by buses, trucks and other heavy vehicles is not permitted.

Groups using the Lions’ Hut will need to use smaller minivans for transport.

The Council will provide further information once the structural assessment has been completed.

First posted: 

Tuesday, 26 July 2016 - 2:35pm