Aquatics activity review underway

The Whakatāne District Council is undertaking a statutory review of the way its Aquatics activities are delivered, to determine whether the current in-house service provision approach is providing the best possible outcomes for users and ratepayers.

The review is a relatively new requirement, under section 17A of the amended Local Government Act, which requires all councils to consider the cost-effectiveness of their services and determine whether there are more effective ways of delivering the quality of infrastructure and services the community needs. Section 17A reviews are being undertaken progressively across Council activities.

After considering a report on the Aquatics review process at its meeting today, the Council’s Policy Committee agreed to initiate a registration of interest process seeking input on service provision capabilities and costs from commercial aquatics, leisure and fitness service providers. That process is expected to be completed by the end of October, and the results will allow the completed section 17A review to be presented to the Council early in the new triennium. 

The report to the committee recognises that significant service improvements have been achieved since the Aquatics activity was taken in-house in 2012, and that gains have been made both in user numbers and community satisfaction with the Aquatic facilities and service. However, it notes that the contribution needed from rates for Aquatic operations has not reduced as had been anticipated, with revenue currently covering only about 48 percent of operating costs.

The report also notes that the initial decision to take over operation of the Aquatic Centre facility was intended to be reviewed after 18–24 months, based on progress made in increasing services and income.

First posted: 

Thursday, 18 August 2016 - 3:53pm