District Plan variation initiated

The Whakatāne District Council’s Policy committee has agreed to initiate a variation to the Proposed District Plan, which will seek to have the existing residential zoning for the area impacted by the 2005 debris flow from the Awatarariki Stream at Matatā replaced with a more appropriate zoning.

The variation will address the high loss of life risk which potential future debris flows represent for anyone living in the stream’s ‘fanhead’ area.

Reporting to the Committee on 18 August, Council Planning, Regulatory and Corporate Services General Manager David Bewley said the proposed change was consistent with the Bay of Plenty Regional Council’s Regional Policy Statement provisions relating to the assessment and mitigation of natural hazard risks.

“Detailed analysis of the debris flow hazard risk has been undertaken and peer reviewed, confirming the loss-of-life risk, and the Ministry of Business Innovation and Employment has also recently released a final determination which states that new building consents cannot be issued for habitable buildings in the affected area,” he said. “It is therefore proposed that a variation be developed to rezone the land, to recognise the risk and discourage building in that area in the future.”

A variation will be developed in consultation with the owners of properties in the Awatarariki Stream fanhead area and brought back to the Council for consideration. If adopted, a formal consultation, submission and hearing process will then be undertaken. Any submitters who are not satisfied with the outcome of that process can then have their views heard by the Environment Court.

First posted: 

Monday, 29 August 2016 - 4:20pm