Backyard clean-up for Awatapu

The Whakatāne Intermediate School HALO Care Group has organised a ‘Take Pride in your Backyard’ Clean-up event around Awatapu Lagoon on Friday, 16 September as part of both Conservation Week and Keep New Zealand Beautiful Clean-Up Week.

The WIS HALO Care Group says this is a great opportunity to expand on the work that the school is currently undertaking around the Lagoon through their Environmental Education programme. They have invited Mananui Play Centre, James Street School, the Whakatāne Lions, Whakatāne Community Gardens, Pride Whakatāne, Whakatāne District Council, DOC and the Awatapu Community to join them in this, the first event they are running within the Lagoon environment. The team are also keen to build on this event and explore future opportunities.

During the afternoon, participants will remove graffiti, collect rubbish and check the predator traps that line the shores of the Lagoon. Weather permitting, there may be a barbecue to follow, in addition to the opportunity to discuss any initiatives that the community may be thinking about.

For more information, email Bridget Palmer,

First posted: 

Thursday, 15 September 2016 - 11:03am