Pedestrian railway crossing closures

KiwiRail, in consultation with the NZ Transport Agency and Whakatane District Council, has made the decision to temporarily close two informal pedestrian railway crossings along the Matata Straights.

The crossing points have been used for pedestrian and/or vehicle access to the beach area, but safety concerns for users have forced their closure.

Railway tracks can only be safely, and legally, crossed at properly-formed and designated crossings. KiwiRail treats safety as paramount and these crossings do not meet the required standards. The crossings may be re-opened if and when the necessary upgrades are made to ensure the safety of people crossing the train tracks.

The temporary closure of the crossings will be completed Wednesday, 21 December.

There are alternative routes/designated crossing points available along the Matata Straights at Pikowai Campsite, Mimiha Reserve and Murphy's campsite.

Pedestrian railway crossing closures

For further information please contact


First posted: 

Friday, 23 December 2016 - 8:19am