Metered water rate charging postponed

The previously announced move to charge water rates for Edgecumbe properties according the usage recorded on each property’s water meter has been delayed by 12 months, to allow owners to get on top of issues caused by the April flood.

The Whakatāne District Council has confirmed that the move to metered water rate charging will now take place from 1 July 2018. In the meantime, water rates for occupied properties will continue to be charged on a flat rate, based on average District usage. The rates postponement and remissions applying to red- and yellow-stickered properties will also apply to water rates.

The Council’s 3 Waters team will have a preliminary reading done on all Edgecumbe meters in late-October/early-November this year, with a second reading to be carried out three months later. The usage will then be analysed and feedback provided to the owners of any properties where the volume of water used indicates that a leaking water line is likely. That will then allow repairs to be made before charges take into account the actual volume of water used.

First posted: 

Friday, 2 June 2017 - 4:32pm